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VM-Plus Beta
Ok, so I'm toying with releasing a new shareware application called VM-Plus. If you'd like to try the trial and give me some feedback, you can download it here.
Basically, I use my Treo a lot and have to call into meetings while driving and got very frustrated and just about killed myself several times trying to remember the conference numbers AND the log-in passwords while driving. So, like all good software developers I solved my problem with a program. VM-Plus basically lets me (and anyone that installs it) dial from text fields, copy passcodes to the clipboard and then send those as DTMF tones to loging and automatically send your voicemail password. Anyway, if you get bored, give it a try and let me know what you think.

Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 09th of August 2006, at 11:01 pm