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Moving to Austin!
Well, I'm about to start a new chapter as I have recently accepted a new position in Austin, Texas. I guess it's pretty common for people from the NW to relocate to Austin, and after my first visit there I can see why. It feels like a very vibrant, socially conscious city which is very similar in character to where I live now. The only thing I'm really not looking forward to is the heat, but from what people tell me, you mostly get used to it.
One other good thing about Austin is that there is a large high tech presence with Dell, AMD, 3M, etc. Heck, maybe I'll even run into Ben Combee!
Well, I'm sure I'll post more as I get more into the relocation activities, but for now, my head is spinning with all the things that I need to get done/get ready, etc. If you have something helpful to tell me about Austin, I'd love to hear about it.

Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 21st of May 2008, at 10:19 pm