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Second iPhone App Submitted For Approval!
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First iPhone App Available in the App Store!
Well, our app finally made it through the approval process. Not too bad, only 2 weeks. I've heard of worse stories. Here's the link to our web site describing it. We explicitly targeted it towards younger kids along the lines of "Here kid, play with my iPhone while I finish eating dinner."
We're trying to get people to take a look at it and get some positive reviews for it.
Anyway, I'll hopefully continue to post info about how it goes having an app up on the store.


Submitted by bosshogg on Friday the 26th of June 2009, at 03:03 pm

First iPhone App Submitted to Apple
We've finally reached the milestone of submitting our application to the app store for approval. Based on web reports and other iPhone developers that I know, it is somewhat arbitrary and random as to how long this waiting period will be. It has certainly been fun for me to write code again as well as to learn a new language (Objective C.)
As I mentioned in my last entry, if you are interested in being an Beta tester, please shoot me an email. jon@luggle.com


Submitted by bosshogg on Tuesday the 16th of June 2009, at 03:01 pm

New iPhone Game Coming Soon
Just a teaser for anyone who still reads this blog. I've been working on an iPhone game in my spare time with a couple friends and we're just about ready to launch it. We're looking for some beta testers so if you are interested in participating in the beta, drop me a note.
If you have children that you are willing to let play with your iPhone/iTouch, it may be helpful, but we think adults will enjoy the games too.
More to come!

Submitted by bosshogg on Saturday the 13th of June 2009, at 07:39 pm