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Links Updated
I've spent the last few hours pruning and cleaning up my links. This is mostly for my own edification, but in case anyone is keeping track at home, they've all been made relevant again. At least to me...
Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 15th of April 2009, at 02:44 am

Objective C is Weird
My brain has been hurting lately going back and forth between Objective C (iPhone) and Java (Blackberry/RIM). I'm definitely still a n00b when it comes to ObjC, and the rules of when I have to use the command structure [object command] versus object.accessor still confuse me occasionally. I've also never seen a language where the @ symbol is used so much. Maybe it's all the time I've spent in C++ where the only place you see @ is in a decorator. Oh, well. I'll get it. BTW, if you're starting out developing for the iPhone, I definitely recommend the iPhone Cookbook. There used to be a free PDF version of it floating around on the web, but I think I saw that they removed it recently. Just go slow and do the different examples that she has included, and if you're an experienced developer, you'll be off and running by the third chapter.

Submitted by bosshogg on Sunday the 12th of April 2009, at 05:22 am

C++ and the iPhone
So I have a bunch of utility classes/functions that I've collected in my 'toolbox' over the years. When I first started doing iPhone development, I was a little bummed out because the primary development language for it is Objective C. However, after poking around for a while, I've realized that I actually can include .cpp files and/or .mm files (treated the same way by the compiler.) I'm still playing around with how much/little I can actually pull over, but at least I don't have to give up everything. Cool!
Also, I did a little poking around and for those of you curious, the compiler preprocessor directives that you can use to detect development for Mac/iPhone is __APPLE_CC__ and __GNUCC__. In otherwords
#if (defined(__APPLE_CC__) && defined(__GNUCC__))
should evaluate to true if you are developing for an OSX/iPhone environment. Need to dig a little more to detect the difference between Mac vs. iPhone. I'll post a follow up once I figure it out.


Submitted by bosshogg on Tuesday the 07th of April 2009, at 03:14 am