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Long Time No Post And The WiFi-Where Conundrum
Ok, so I apologize for the long delays in my posts. Between work stuff and vacations, I just haven't had the time to invest in the blog. (I feel compelled to point out that in addition to my inactivity, there seems to be a general 'blog-malaise' on the Net.)
Another thing that has been eating my time is WiFi-Where. I've written about my pet program in previous posts, but the purchase activity has really taken off in the last couple of weeks, which eventually translates into emails from customers. I find myself at a crossroads of sorts. Should I invest the time in marketing and advertising it correctly, or should I look for someone to purchase it? (I've been contacted in the past about selling Palmasaurus, but in the end, the interested party lost interest.) Now that WiFi-Where is averaging between 2-3 sales a day, should I think about selling it to someone that can do it justice? I don't know. If you have any suggestions, please let me know. Otherwise, I'll continue to post the results of this Shareware-Experiment.

Submitted by bosshogg on Saturday the 27th of August 2005, at 11:17 pm