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Three Ways To Randomize on the iPhone
How to Remove .svn Directories On a Mac
How To Detect The iPhone Simulator
iPhoneMom Likes Doodle Games!
Updates To the Doodle Games Line
Three Jacks Now Tweets
Second iPhone App Submitted For Approval!
Pinch Media Analytics for iPhone
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Minor Changes to Hazelware
Not many posts lately. What else is new. I've finally gotten sick of the Google brainwashing and taken the ads off of the site and cleaned it up a bit. The other feature I added is a world map showing where the site traffic is coming from. Of course I can't help but wonder how many are bots or other virii trying to whack away on my server. You can see it up in the top left corner. Well, that's about it for now. I'm still alive. Just trying to finish school and working and playing with the kids.

Submitted by bosshogg on Monday the 31st of March 2008, at 09:48 pm