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New Version of Palmasaurus
I have (finally) released a new version of Palmasaurus to download. Some of the major enhancements are an improved find interface for searching for data on the Palm as well as an improved resource viewer for viewing the resources of other applications, audio included. I also have added support for the five-way nav for Treo users. You can find the download here. You may note that it is now Shareware, but if you like using it, drop me a line and I might be talked into giving you an unlock code just for being friendly! :-)

Submitted by bosshogg on Friday the 10th of June 2005, at 11:25 pm

First Attempt at Shareware
After procrastinating for far too long, I finally put WiFi-Where up for sale on Handango. (Here's the link.) I'm not expecting too much from it, but it was fun and educational. From my experience, it has been almost as much of a marketing venture as it was an engineering venture. It definitely has given me insight into what most of the rest of the Palm developer community goes through. If you have experience doing this sort of thing and have any advice about my listing, please let me know. I'm sure that there are things I can do to increase the sales, but at this point, I'm not sure what that is.


Update: I just sold my first one! Woohoo!

Submitted by bosshogg on Sunday the 05th of June 2005, at 08:12 pm