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Debugging Windows Mobile/WinCE Applications Without ActiveSync
I'm BACK!!!!!!
Code Monkey
Cool 3D Code Snippet From My Former Life
YouTube: The Revival of the Internet Time Killer
WhereMate Released
Palmasaurus Released As Freeware

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I'm BACK!!!!!!
Holy crap. After having our server go down, and being forced to upgrade to Postgres 8.1, and being a general Linux IDIOT, I finally have stumbled my way back to blog functionality. I have to admit that this hasn't been a huge priority for me lately, and work has been insane. BUT, I'm finally back in business. Whew. Well, if you're actually seeing all this, drop me a line and let me know what you're up to.

Peace out,

Submitted by bosshogg on Monday the 30th of April 2007, at 10:25 pm