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Debugging Windows Mobile/WinCE Applications Without ActiveSync
I'm BACK!!!!!!
Code Monkey
Cool 3D Code Snippet From My Former Life
YouTube: The Revival of the Internet Time Killer
WhereMate Released
Palmasaurus Released As Freeware

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What I've Been Up To
So, posting has been light for say, the last 20 months. The good news is that there is light at the end of the tunnel! In case you're wondering what I've been up to at work/professionally, you can find info here. I also enrolled in an Executive MBA program here. So between those two, I've been totally swamped!
However, like I said, there is some light at the end of the tunnel so hopefully I can start doing some poking around. There's so much that's happened in the PDA/Smartphone world to look at! Between the iPhone, WindowsMobile Treos, .Net CF 2.0, Google Maps for Mobile, etc. I'll have my hands full!

Submitted by bosshogg on Tuesday the 10th of July 2007, at 09:57 pm