I just spotted this on the Palm Developer forums and figured I'd post about it quickly before I leave for the Dev Con.
Apparently, the developer of McFile has found a "backdoor" method to flush the DB Cache on the T5. I have written previously about the DB Cache, and about how there is no exposed method to clear it. However, this fellow has discovered a way around that limitation. Here is the quote from the Developer Forum:
"Clearing DBCache of TungstenT5 is carrying out by
broadcasting a Notification SysNotifyBroadcastDeferred)
HotSync Start/Finish (sysNotifySyncStartEvent and
In short, he has discovered that after a hotsync, the DB Cache gets flushed. So, he has written a small routine to broadcast the hotsync start/finish events. Very clever! For those of you looking for code, your function would look something like this:
void FlushDBCache()
SysNotifyParamType notifyParams;
notifyParams.notifyType = sysNotifySyncStartEvent;
notifyParams.broadcaster = sysFileCSystem;
notifyParams.notifyDetailsP = NULL;
notifyParams.userDataP = NULL;
notifyParams.handled = false;
SysNotifyBroadcastDeferred(¬ifyParams, 0);
notifyParams.notifyType = sysNotifySyncFinishEvent;
notifyParams.handled = false;
SysNotifyBroadcastDeferred(¬ifyParams, 0);
Now, I don't know if this works on other devices like the unpatched Treo 650, but it does appear to work well on the T5. YMMV.
As always, this code is provided free of charge, but if you find it helpful, I'd love to hear about it!