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Six Sigma DFSS Blackbelt Training
Well, I was down in the San Jose area (Newark specifically) for Six Sigma DFSS Blackbelt training last week, and I had a very interesting experience. If you're new to Six Sigma, it is a process that was originally created by Motorola, but since then has been adopted by many large companies, most notably GE, Xerox and 3M. It is an engineering development/design process whose general principal is to define a product or process that is measurable and can be said to be "in control". In order to say that your "process" is in control, there can only be three standard deviations from your mean when you map out
the quality of the things you produce in relation to their upper and lower spec. All that is really just "math-speak" to say that you need to have a quantifiable way to measure your successes and your failures for a "thing". In my particular case, my "thing" is software. It could be an application, or a web service, etc.
The tricky part for software engineers is that DFSS Six Sigma was originally created for hardware and manufacturing processes. As you can probably imagine, there are some things that just have no direct/obvious mapping from mechanical engineering to software engineering. I'll try and post more as I get into it and figure out exactly how to apply the techniques to software development. If you have experience with DFSS and software, I'd love to hear about it. Oh, and the picture is me eating a sundae in Ghiradelli Square. A little touristy I know, but a very fine sundae none-the-less!

Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 31st 1970f December 1969, at 04:00

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