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Web hazelware.luggle.com

Registered for PalmSource 2005
I'm now registered and have my travel accomodations set up for this year's PalmSource DevCon. I managed to get into the Fairmont (which is where the conference is being held) so I'm pretty excited about that. Last year I had to stay at the Hilton which is a few blocks away, and I spent a good part of my time hoofing it back and forth between the conference and my room.
So, now I just need to schedule the fun stuff! If you're going to be at the conference, send me an email and we can try and hook up during the conference. If the timing works out right, maybe I'll even spring for dinner! :-)
Hope to see you there!

Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 31st 1970f December 1969, at 04:00

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