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Update: Tungsten T5 Not So Unstable
Have you ever had one of those moments where you get so excited about finding something out that you totally ignore all of your past experiences? Well, that happened to me when I wrote about my experience with the T5, and now I shall eat crow. Sort of.
After posting about the T5 and a loop that I wrote that caused it to crash, I received an email from a developer who pointed out to me that the T5 is simply running out of memory, and the call to DmNewRecord is simply failing. I took a look, and sure enough, he was right. Ugh. I hate being wrong...
So, the short story is that I was wrong and the T5 doesn't crash in that loop if you check DmNewRecord for failure. However, this brings me to a question that is harder to answer: Why is a device with 256 MB of RAM running out of space when I try to allocate approximately 40 MB? I don't have a good answer to this yet, but I figured I should at least rectify my posting about the T5 crashing. Hopefully I'll have more time soon to finish the investigation. More to come...
Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 31st 1970f December 1969, at 04:00

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