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Web hazelware.luggle.com

Optimized for Mobile Devices
Since I seem to have a couple people reading my pages now, I thought I would let people know that on mobile devices, Hazelware delivers pages optimized for lower bandwidth and smaller screens. I do all of the switching based on the HTTP headers that the browsers post in the HTTP GET. I have tested this on all of the PalmOS devices that I have at my disposal as well as a number of PocketPC and Symbian devices. Unfortunately, I found that the only thing that is consistent in the HTTP headers is the user agent (which is basically the browser type). Some browsers post screen size, some post OS, but there is no single thing that is consistent, other than the user agent. Anyway, my point is that if you have a mobile device and you don't get the mobile optimized pages, can you let me know what device you are using so I can add it to the filter?
Happy Surfing!
Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 31st 1970f December 1969, at 04:00

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