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Attending CES In Las Vegas
Well, I'm at this year'sCES convention and, so far, I've got to say that I'm underwhelmed. Perhaps my expectations were too high, but so far, I've seen nothing that was surprising or cool or even half-way interesting. I took some pictures as I walked around the convention, and to be honest the only thing that I decided to post was this picture of a snowboarding demo with imported snow.
This is my first CES, and I expected new, innovative products, but have yet to see any of that materialize. Where are the innovative gadgets that I just can't live withouth? If I had to sum up what I have seen so far, I would say that Bluetooth head sets and miniature MP3 players are all the rage. But we already knew that, didn't we?
Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 31st 1970f December 1969, at 04:00

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