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My Dad Headed To Sri Lanka
Breaking from the normal Tech postings, I wanted to let people know that my dad is headed off to Sri Lanka to help with the disaster relief from the tsunamis. For those of you that don't know, he works for Northwest Medical Teams, and he was telling me last night that NWMT is in a unique spot in their history because they already had five teams active in Africa when the tsunamis hit. Because of that, they are really, really strapped for medical supplies and equipment. I was at their headquarters yesterday, and the volunteers that were packing the equipment were commenting that the teams are heading out without a lot of supplies that they really should have.
Regardless, five teams of doctors, nurses and paramedics have come forward to travel on their own time and money, and NWMT has committed to sending them to the tsunami disaster areas. If you have the ability, I encourage you to give even a small amount to help them. As of this writing, the official death toll is 116,000, and is expected to rise still higher. That is almost unfathomable to my mind. If you want to contact my dad about the trip or NWMT, you can contact him via email.
Submitted by bosshogg on Wednesday the 31st 1970f December 1969, at 04:00

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